Does anyone think it is irresponsible to sell Moorish Idols over the internet as this site does?
Yes (see more on this below).
I think to say these are difficult to keep is a major understatement.
That's the problem here. Acroporas are often labeled as "difficult", but how many are kept successfully? Hundreds of thousands. Idols are not difficult to keep, they are virtually impossible. They require a continual supply of live sponges and algae, and must have an aquarium of 500g+ (length being most important) to even have a
chance to survive at all.
Im guessing but probably not correct wouldnt most be tank raised?
They are not tank raised. The vast majority of marine fish are wild-caught.
they dont all die lots of people do ok with them
I've never heard of
one surviving in captivity for more than a year. I would love to see a tank that housed them successfully for more than a year. Approx. 95% of captive Moorish Idols perish within 2-4 months.
Perhaps the only way someone will ever discover the secret is if they are freely available to all.
I do agree with this to an extent. Having been in the reef-keeping hobby for 14+ years, I see many marine specimens kept now which were thought 100% impossible a short 10 years ago.
IMO, the (responsible) hobbyist contributes greatly (yes, contributes) to the coral reefs of the world. We make the reefs *visible* (out of sight, out of mind), and appreciated. We have also realized many great gains - coral fragging, tridacnid clam captive reproduction, and captive breeding of marine fish - are all a direct result of our hobby.
This is, however, a 2-part responsibility. Aquarists need to research, research, research.
LFS's and e-tailers
should provide
complete information on care & requirements. "Difficult" is not adequate. If they had written "Extremely difficult, requires 500+ gallon tank, and continual supply of live foods -- even given these conditions, this fish does not often survive in captivity. Please research fully before purchasing!" - then I would not be entirely opposed to their sale.
IMO, they are being unethical by intentionally omitting information.
From what I understand, a lot of
LFS (At least the ones by me) and online vendors don't even pick out the livestock that they receive. They have a supplier that ships them livestock and a list of whats in it and they get what they get.
I am friends with a few
LFS owners, and couple online vendors of marine fish/corals. They all tell me that this is almost completely untrue, unless there is some confusion in the ordering - but that this happens
very rarely. A couple have told me that this is the "line" usually handed out to people when they question why a certain fish, coral, etc. is being offered for sale.
by the way and just for the record I hate animal rights activist those people need to get a clue
And that clue would be?
A few years ago 101 dalmations came out again. and many pet stores were selling dalmation pups. Dalmations are high strung and not really good with kids, (for the most part I know there are exceptions) but everyone was selling them. Should we also boycot them?
If they were not properly and completely educating the buyer as to the breed's care needs and dispostion, then,
IMO, yes.
If you feel that strongly about it, write them a note.
IMO, this is the best thing you can do. 10 letters will have far more impact than 10 people not buying from that store.