Aquarium Advice Newbie
Simon was moved from a planted 5 gallon aquarium to a 10 gallon planted aquarium with a Nerite snail. It is fully cycled. All the parameters are correct and safe. There haven't been any diet changes aside from some seed shrimp that showed up on their own (likely came from the plants.) There is driftwood in the tank but I did boil it before adding it. He was happy at first, his colors brightened up, he was active and boy did he munch on those seed shrimp. About two weeks later, I noticed some bloating in his belly. I thought he had over eaten since he had been chewing away at the seed shrimp population among the food I had also been feeding him, so I fasted him for a couple of days and the bloating went down. A month later, A couple of weeks ago, I noticed some scale abrasions. I medicated the water, the abrasions healed. No biggie. Now, his fins are (just slightly) tattered, his scales seem to be sticking out the slightest bit, but my biggest concern is the swelling in his belly. He doesn't look right. This isn't the Simon I put into this tank. My biggest concern here is dropsy, and if it is that, I want to catch it now while he still has a chance. There aren't any major behavioral changes. He still eats and swims about no problem. No constant darting to the surface for air, he isn't lethargic. I've had him since April, and when I got him, he wasn't in the best condition. I raised him back to health, but I know previous health compromises can make them susceptible to infections and what not. I will take any advice I can get, please help me save my fish.