Is my tank ready?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 18, 2016
West Harrison, New York
I have had two Clowns in a 40 g aquarium since only Thu, 4/11. They are doing great. Now that I've been introducing food to the tank (some uneaten, of course) & have some algae growing on the glass and rock, I want to add a sand sifting gobie, but is it too soon or should I wait (there may not be enough food in the sand yet)?

Also, what else can I add to begin to control algae and to further keep the substrate in check?
Again, the tank isn't big (31" wide x 12" deep).

If you are looking for the goby to only feed on natural foods in the sand, your tank is too immature but you can supplement their diet with frozen foods you chop up fine and add to the food you feed the clowns. As for cleanup crew, there are snails ( i.e. Mexican Turbo, Astrea, Cerith), crabs (i.e. blue leg hermit crabs, emerald crabs, Mexican red leg hermit crabs), sea urchins, sand sifting starfish....the list is long. What you choose should be based on what fish or other inverts you want to eventually add to the tank.
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