Is this bad?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 15, 2004
Omicron Persia 8
Was watching tv last night and heard a bang from my new aquarium. As it contains nothing but water and rock while it cycles, I considered this to be odd. So I mosey on over and this is what I found going sizzle sizzle sizzle in the water. This is a week old titanium heater. I tossed the box so I don't remember the brand name.
hey...ummmm that's not cool at all. I'm surprised that titanium would pop like that. Had it been running in the tank for a week? I could see thermal shock doing that toa heater, but not normal usage. I'd take it back to the store that you bought it from.
"Is this bad?"

If you are referring to the titanium - probably not. Titanium is not very chemically reactive and therefore should not affect your water quality.
Only thing I can think of after a week is possible over heating..That is, having it cranked up all the way 24 x 7. Other than that, Im sure the little glass shards will present themselves at the most inconvenient time.
I should have noted the thread title was meant to be sarcastic. It wasn't overheating, had it set at 80 and it was maintaining it well. Until it exploded. It was an ebay unit and I haven't been able to get ahold of him yet. His mail server seems to be down.
Just a little FYI. You're heater shouldn't be touching anything like sand, rocks. That will cause heat spots on the heater and it might malfunction. Looks like a portion of your heater is stuck in the sand. On glass heaters, heat spot might cause the heater to shatter.
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