Aquarium Advice Newbie
I brought home four “hifin tetras” two weeks ago to school with my other two black skirt tetras. When I first added them I noticed their fins didn’t look too good but they’ve started to look better so I assume it’s just from the conditions of the pet store tank. One of them however developed a split in its tail fin last week and a couple days ago I noticed the dark spot on the edge of the split. Does it look like fin rot or is this something else? I’ve never dealt with this before and I tried asking on Reddit but didn’t receive any replies. I clean the tank every two weeks which includes a water change and gravel cleaning. I have hikari micro pellets and dried blood worms to feed them. I also have three oto catfish that eat hikari mini algae wafers and cucumber. I know sometimes fish can injure themselves on sharp edges and I do have a section of rough rocks but haven’t had any issues before with my other fish. Any advice or recommendations are greatly appreciated!!!