Is this Ich?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 10, 2013
Hi all

Is this ich? I only notice it on the green severums, no other fish in the tank have it. I added a new fish about 2 weeks ago, no signs of ich on it.

I am hoping it is not, but nervous it might be. If it is, what should I get to treat it?



  • image_123650291.JPG
    112.1 KB · Views: 5
Use this comparison to determine if it's Ick or Epistylis: 1722270302800.png
Once you determined which this is, we can recommend the proper course of action as they are opposite each other.
Okay, it is Ich then. Definitely not the other. Thanks.
There are a number of products that contain Malachite Green or Victoria Green and this is one of the better medicines against Ick. I've had success with API Super Ick Cure, Hikari, Ich-X and Jungle Ich Guard. Fritz Aquatics also makes FixIck which uses Gention Violet which is less harsh than Malachite Green but adds antibacterials which help against secondary infections which are common with Ick parasites.

Hope this helps. (y)

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