Aquarium Advice Addict
Hey there,
I was thinking about not putting this log on here because I know breeding convicts isn't a horrible diffcult, but I thought it would be fun to put it on here anyways. I will tell you all about what has happened already since I got them, up until the recent day. I will update this daily.
January 17th, 2009.
Day 1: Convicts bought from LFS and floated for about 30 minutes, then release. They took a liking to each other very fast and took over the tank fast aswell. My gourami got very angry with the new Male convict, so he was removed into my 20G Community Setup.
January 18th, 2009.
Day 2: Did a 30% water change and started feeding more oftenly throughout the day with freeze dried blood worms, then before lights out I feed them high quality flake food. They seemed like they have paired off and are now taking over the tank. A flower pot was added for a place for them to lay eggs.
January 19th, 2009.
Day 3: Did another 30% water change, continued my feeding pattern, and raised the temp. slightly. Female's egg laying tube has become very visible and will be expecting some eggs within a week hopefully.
The tank is still full of fish, a dozen or so mollies, 4 cories, 1 CAE, 3 Black Skirt Tetras, and 2 Endlers. I know there will problem be some deaths during the Convicts breeding period, but i'm not to worried about any of the fish expect the cories and the mollies. My CAE and the tetras and the guppies stay to themselves on the right side of the tank, which the convicts own the other half. The mollies and cories just don't understand and might get injuried. I'm going to try to remove the cories, but I have no where to put the mollies. Only thing I can do here is let nature be it's way.
I'm not doing this to sell the convicts either, since I know I most likely won't get a thing for them, I just thought it would be fun to watch the convicts be parents and watch the fry grow. Watching nature take it's course. My LFS is running low on convicts though, so they said they might start buying from me to be able to say they were home tank breed and raised.
I still have to add the sleeve over my intake of my filter, i'll also give some updates on water parameters tomorrow. I will also get some pictures up on here of the Convicts. I would now, but it's late and I have school tomorrow. Like I said, this will be a daily updated log, so
Keep intouch.
I was thinking about not putting this log on here because I know breeding convicts isn't a horrible diffcult, but I thought it would be fun to put it on here anyways. I will tell you all about what has happened already since I got them, up until the recent day. I will update this daily.
January 17th, 2009.
Day 1: Convicts bought from LFS and floated for about 30 minutes, then release. They took a liking to each other very fast and took over the tank fast aswell. My gourami got very angry with the new Male convict, so he was removed into my 20G Community Setup.
January 18th, 2009.
Day 2: Did a 30% water change and started feeding more oftenly throughout the day with freeze dried blood worms, then before lights out I feed them high quality flake food. They seemed like they have paired off and are now taking over the tank. A flower pot was added for a place for them to lay eggs.
January 19th, 2009.
Day 3: Did another 30% water change, continued my feeding pattern, and raised the temp. slightly. Female's egg laying tube has become very visible and will be expecting some eggs within a week hopefully.
The tank is still full of fish, a dozen or so mollies, 4 cories, 1 CAE, 3 Black Skirt Tetras, and 2 Endlers. I know there will problem be some deaths during the Convicts breeding period, but i'm not to worried about any of the fish expect the cories and the mollies. My CAE and the tetras and the guppies stay to themselves on the right side of the tank, which the convicts own the other half. The mollies and cories just don't understand and might get injuried. I'm going to try to remove the cories, but I have no where to put the mollies. Only thing I can do here is let nature be it's way.
I'm not doing this to sell the convicts either, since I know I most likely won't get a thing for them, I just thought it would be fun to watch the convicts be parents and watch the fry grow. Watching nature take it's course. My LFS is running low on convicts though, so they said they might start buying from me to be able to say they were home tank breed and raised.
I still have to add the sleeve over my intake of my filter, i'll also give some updates on water parameters tomorrow. I will also get some pictures up on here of the Convicts. I would now, but it's late and I have school tomorrow. Like I said, this will be a daily updated log, so
Keep intouch.