Light Acclimate for corals

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 25, 2007
Southern California
Do you think I need to light acclimate for my corals in the following situation? I have a 75 gallon with 440watts of VHO all on one ballast. In order to get a dusk/dawn going with another ballast and some T5HO lighting, I'm thinking about buying a 39watt T5HO single Actinic bulb in a retrofit kit. It is at:
and is part # LT-VA27105
1) With only adding an extra 39watts of T5HO would I need to light acclimate at all? This will bring me from 5.9wpg to 6.4wpg, with just adding extra actinic light.

2) My other option is to just put a PC bulb on there instead, but I'm thinking the T5HO would be better if I want to put some type of SPS or Clam in there. Or do you think it doesn't make a difference since it is only one bulb?
Thank you.
I would not worry about it. Especially if the new lights are filling our the actinic side of the spectrum. It should not be an issue at all. Enjoy the new lights.
I also agree that you`ll be OK. If you were going from VHO`s to MH`s then that would be a different story.
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