lighting question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 29, 2005
New Jersey
i have a 48" odyssea light fixture. 2 150 HQI and 2 96 w 420nm lights. one of the MH burned out and i am looking to replace all the lights since it has been a year. my question is: should i replace all the lights with any brand of the same wattage, or since i am going to be spending some cash and odyssea hasnt gotten the best reviews, just spend the extra money and get a better lighting system like coralife pro or outer orbit.
what would you guys do????
I would think if the fixture is working and you have no problems with it, just get new bulbs....unless you have extra $$$ to
ok. next quick question. the MH are 20k. is there a big difference between the 10k 15k and 20k? what is the best/preferred since i will be buying new ones?
I personally think you already have a good system and should continue to just change bulbs.
If you already have T5 actinics you could probably go with 10K metal halide bulbs. IMO a 20K metal halides plus the T5 actinics would be too blue for my taste.
14-15k seems to be the norm. 20k = very blue, 10k = yellow. That fixture got it's complaints because of the ballasts burning out, even the new 250w MH from them have a bad ballast (puts out 160w) causing the light to look green.. A newer Electronic ballast might be a good call.. (esp if you switch the bulbs and the "dead" one lights..
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