Little White things on my tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 4, 2004
I noticed a little while ago that I have all these little white things on teh glass of my tank, especially in this one corner. They seem to be like a small spiral thing. I don't think they move but the obviously do b/c some days there are more then other days.

Any ideas.... I can TRY to get a picture but I don't know how succesful I would be.

Sounds to me like they are either Pods of some sort or snail eggs. Of course you would have to have snails for the later to be the case. I have them all the time and they are there one day and either hatch or fall of the next. Without a pic, I am just guessing though.
I have them too. I asked the LFS what they were (they had them too) and they told me that they were tiny feather dusters that don't grow beyond the size of a pencil eraser. If anyone disagrees please correct me, just going off the info that I got.
Well if they are small sprirals and a hard substance, they are probably worms.
If they look like the pick below, then they are Certh Snail eggs.
Most likely they are little feather dusters. I have them all over my tank as well. They come in on the live rock. It's a sign that things are going well in your little ecosystem.javascript:emoticon(':wink:')
They are not what is in that pic above. Here are 3 pics that I just took. They actually came out pretty good, I am pretty proud of myself.




From what I understand, they are not bad. They come from you live rock. I have them in my tank, I leave them be except I scrape the ones from the front glass.
IMO, another cool life form in my little ecosystem. :wink:
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