Live brine shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 25, 2003
Can live brine shrimp survive in a small pail around 1.5 Litres with an air stone connected in to a small motor pump? I wanted to keep them and use them to feed my fishes and not to buy it when I wanted to feed and must finish them up within a day, its a waste. And I can throw in some eggs as well to let them hatch.
Can live brine shrimp survive in a small pail around 1.5 Litres with an air stone connected in to a small motor pump?

For a little while, they will eventually pollute the water so bad they all die. You can put them in a shallow plastic pan in the frifge and they should last about a week.
How about if I change 100% of water every 3 days? Can they survive long this way?
If your feed the Artemia high quality Phytoplankton they will live just fine. If you don't then there's really no reason to keep them more than a day because they will have absolutely no nutritional value for your fish.

I use a product called instant algae as well as live Diatoms and I have a colony of Artemia that has been around for about 3 years.
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