Longnose Hawkfish Question

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 27, 2006
Washington State
I hope I haven't used up all of my questions this week.....

I have been thinking of getting a longnose hawkfish for a while now and I've been researching them a bit. As usual, I'm finding conflicting information.

Does anyone here have this fish? Do you think I would have any problems with this fish combined with my 'soon to be' new 5+ inch derasa clam, hermit crab, fire shrimp, or cleaner shrimp? My shrimps are fairly large (over a year old).

Any info you'd like to share would be appreciated.
I hear they will go after all the shrimp. I have one and he doesnt pick or do anything agressive but I dont have any inverts in the tank. very cool fish though, one of my favorites
Very cool fish however it is iffy if they are reef safe . They will pick off your shrimps and crabs at the first oppertunity :( sad really cause they are a cool fish . They can also pick at corals and thier perching can cause them irritation to witch they will not open and eventually if stressed enough not open and die.
Thanks much for the info. After the comments made I don't think I'll chance it. They are really neat looking and I've read that they have great personalities but I like my shrimps/corals.

I think that is a good decision from what I have heard from people who had the fish. Awesome looking fish but just not a great choice for the reef.
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