Looking to go saltwater

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 10, 2013
Hi all

Long time reader on saltwater, rarely post. Have been keep fresh for decades.

I currently have a 65 gallon tank that I am thinking of converting to SW. I cannot do a sump sadly, I live in a condo and do not have the space under the tank to keep one.

I currently have the AC110 hob filter, that I was thinking I could use as a small hang on sump, where I can keep charcoal and filter floss (do I need that in SW?).

I am looking to keep a sand bottom, and about 100lbs of live rock. I am going to buy most of the LR from FB Marketplace, I have found some good deals. One I found was a bleached LR, and I am not sure if that is good to buy, so looking for advice here as well.

Finally, I know I need to use RO/DI water and will be using a refratctometer for salinty. I don't think there is much else I am missing for set up per se. I am still unclear if I want to get smaller corals, if so, would love some affordable light ideas.

When you say bleached lr are you saying or that lost its color or it was placed in bleach water. Everything Else looks fine
Thank you! The bleached rock I am going to avoid.

Is charcoal and filter floss needed? Also, do you have any affordable LED light options?

Finally, I found this at a hardware store, would it be appropriate as sand:

Thanks again!
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