Glad I asked on here!
Some answers:
Have you checked your Tap water for pH and Nitrates? I checked them a while ago with my first post here. At that time, the tap water registered at 7.0 pH, .5 ammonia, and zero nitrites and nitrates. Before that post I was using RO water, but it was suggested I just use this tap water.
How big is your tank? 29 gallon
What fish, how many are you keeping? I have been slowly building my community. I currently have 12 total: 9 tetras (3 neon, 2 glo-light, 3 black skirt, 1 white skirt, 1 black neon? - a black something anyway). I also have 1 remaining cherry barb, 1 lyretail and 1 cory catfish.
How much water do you change with your monthly water change? 1/3 - 1/2 a tank
How long has it been set up? A couple of years, although I had a friend "helping me" for the first year or so and things did not go well. One post here and I got things under control...until now.
Do you know your ammonia and nitrite? both are zero.
Are you seeing any symptoms with your dead fish? welll......I did have a molly that didn't seem well (puffy face/eyes/lips) about a month back. I dosed the water with Melafix for the recommended time and then did a couple water changes until the water cleared up (was a little cloudy, but not bad). He ended up not surviving but the of the rest of the fish seemed well.
This tank is actually at my workplace and I was off for the last 10 days or so...the 4-5 fish I mentioned above were lost during that time. I ask folks to check in on them, but what can you do? They didn't seem to realize any were missing, so I don't know what happened to them. I have REALLY been watching the remaining fish today and don't see anything that makes me think there is disease being spread.
A bit more about my process: I typically vacuum/change water once a month. About a week or so later I change the filter (I was told not to do both at the same time). Should I be vacuuming with every change?
Contemplating taking the tank home.......But I love it at work...get stressed, watch the fishes swim!