Making the change, what can I do with my 2gal?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 30, 2006
Corunna, Ontario (outside of sarnia)
Hi everyone, this is my first ever post on the salty side. I have a 2gal hex that i want to convert into a SW for something like hermit crab or a shrimp. The hex is wide across, almost a foot and a half. It is more shallow than most hex's. I have a few questions for you guys, i hope you can help me with these.

1. What type of lighting would i need, the tank has a hood, could i put a 13w flourecent bulb in there?

2. I have a 25w HOB heater, will that suffice?

3. I want live rock, what kind, and how much

4. I like polyps, could i put them in?

I have no idea what i am doing yet, so i will have to do some more research, does anybody know a good link about setting up nanos?

I am sorry if this is basic stuff, this will be my first ever SW tank if it all works out.
may i have some help please, TIA
First, are you sure it isn't a 5 gallon Hex? A foot and half across is REALLY large for a 2 gallon.

1. That would be fine to use.

2. That heater should be fine.

3. 1-2 pounds per gallon is a good general guidline. Meaning you are in Canada, I don't think you have a wide selection to choose from. But, if you do, Fiji rock seems to be what everyone wants these days. Florida rock is superior(in my opinion) but it's probably impossible for you to get.

4. I don't really know about the polyps. Unsure if a NO Flourescent bulb would suffice.

Is your top 18 inches across? You may be better served (if you have a 5 gallon) getting a new fixture with PC lighting.

There are some good articles on you could use. For the most part, nanos require much the same setup as regular sw tanks, but they are alot harder. You will need to do daily maintenence on the tank in order for it to be successful.

It does sound likea 5 not a 2 a 2 gallon that is that wide, would be maybe 4 inches tall...cant do alot with that.

if it is a 5, then the hood should have a screw in type bulb rated for 15 or 20 watts. there are bulbs you cna pick up at walmart that are about 8500k screw in compact fluoro lights. I use them on my planted tank and hve one for my 5 gallon salt I am startin up. That should work fine for anything but reefs and anemones (I cant find a 20 watt 50/50 light that will fit into my fixture, at least, not yet)

25 watt heater should be plenty

you will probably ned to look into power heads the built in filters on those 5 gal hex's arent exactly cut out for the water movement you need for saltwater.

G'luck man :)
yeah, it is not tall at all, less than 7inches i would say. I have decided not to do it, it is definately a 2gal, I do have a 5gal, but i am very happy with it as a FW tank. Maybe some day. Thanks for all of your help, sorry if i wasted your time, but i think if i do start into SW i will get a 40gal instead, i have read that beginners shouldent start with nanos.
No, we shouldnt, but I am :p I hope it isnt a disaster.

With a tank with those might be able to some pretty interesting stuff actually. nice little snail or crab habitat. maybe a some small reefs.
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