Moving mushrooms

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 8, 2003
Bensenville IL
I have some blue striped mushrooms and started with 1. It has split into 3 but the 1 in the middle is covered by the other 2 so it gets no light and hasn't really grown. I was wondering how i would remove it from where it is and move it to a clear spot so it has a chance without hurting it. It is attached to the rock that the other 2 are on and it's a rather big piece so i cant just split the rock up. I didn't know if you could take something and "dig" it off the rock or if that would harm it so I thought id ask before I tried anything.
you could frag it. take a sharpe scissors or razor blade and cut the shrooms head off. then split the base in two with blade and take some super glue or some wedding veil and attach the head to a rock somewhere else. for this there will be two other mushrooms from the stem that you cut in two and the other mushroom head will grow a new stem.
Hmm now iv never fragged anything so im very wary of doing it id hate to kill any of my corals. Is there a certain spot to cut the stem from the head etc.. And superglue? I would think that would be bad for the tank can it even work underwater?
you have to use the super glue gel. just put a little bit on the rock rub the shroom around on it a little and stick it in the water because the glue heats as it dries and the water will keep it from hurting the coral. some people say that using super glue on shrooms is a little hard cause the secret so much mucas when they are cut so you could just use wedding veil or just set them in a crack and hope they stick. either way would work. as for cutting placement go to and click on "propigation" then mushrooms. they will tell you all about it and they even have a video.
Ok I took the tiny mushroom off the rock and got some super glue gel and did as you said . I affixed it to a new rock and placed it in medium current low in the tank so we'll see what happens. I really should try to propagate some of these guys but until i get my new lights a 30 gallon doesn't have much room for these shrooms seeing as they get like 5-7" around there BIG. I also have xenia I could split I started with 1 and just naturally i have 4 now but that page you told me about was nice I watched the videos and it doesn't look that hard if anyone is looking for xenia or big blue striped shrooms i could frag them. I really am interested in some more zoos i have a few types but I really like the look they give the tank.
cool congrats on your first fragging. it's kind of fun isn't it? this summer if everything goes right i plan to set up a frag tank so i can maybe get some trades going. that way new corals will not be so expensive.
I want to set up more tanks too for coral frags just the lighting holding me back that's the expensive part heh. That's why my 75 gallon is still j just fish need to scrape up cash for the iwaksi 6500k metal halide bulbs for it.
yeah sometimes they produce to much mucas. try some wedding veil. maybe for a couple days then take it off and i bet the mushrooms will be attached.
no no like from a fabric store. it's like really tiny mesh. the stuff that womens wedding dresses are made from. wedding veil.
i got some from the fabric store am gonna try to frag 1 of the xenia cause I talked to lfs and they will do trades or store credit for them :)
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