My 40 Gal

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 3, 2015
LaGrange Park Il.
This aquarium has been up for 7 years. I installed CO2 I injection 5/2024 The sword plants before were growing and nicely green. But I wanted to have some red plants and decided to go the CO2 route. I bought the regulator and 5lbs tank of co2. Than I bought red plants. Well after two and a half months the red plant is growing strong. The sword is a beast. But I have a red plant in back for the sword that is growing but can't see it. Should I cut the sword back a bit? Will it grow back with out killing it? I would like some advise. If anyone wants to "up you game" with plants. I recommend co2. I did not try the co2 bio. So I cannot comment on it. Buy a good regulator that can have multiple bubblers. Cheaper then buying a new set up for another tank.


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