My Dalmation Molly only had 1 fry !?!?!?!?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 23, 2011
I just bought a pregnant female Dalmation Molly and it only had 1 fry :(. Is this normal. Also there is no male Mollie but there is a male guppy. And some tetras
Welcome to AA

How long ago did the female have the fry? The birth of the fish can take up to hours until they are all out. She was probably impregnated at the fish store from another male in the same tank.
tyspot1000 said:
Welcome to AA

How long ago did the female have the fry? The birth of the fish can take up to hours until they are all out. She was probably impregnated at the fish store from another male in the same tank.

She had the fry yesterday:-
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