My dominos are mating???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 5, 2004
hey, well then lets take it from the top, i have 2 domino damsel and a pink damsel the guy at the lfs said that the dominos might be to rough with each other and that i should consider another one, for the first day the were picking on each other and after the first night they seemed all butt buddy, 3 days later they seemed to be very protective about a certian spot in under neath one of the corals, and every once in a while one goes in there kind turns side ways and what looks like vibrating his tail in there little area. I've seen the pink one sneak around the dominos get in there and do the same thing at least once, are they just digging or are the males fertilizing the eggs? i dunno what do you guys think?? :?:
Sounds like what my dominos did in a anemone. Do you have a small anemone under the rock that you cant see, or maybe it's the coral itself. What kind is it? :wink:
i have one of those blue coral, the name escapes me right now but its not living, as far as i know all i have livin in the tank are those 2 dominos 1 pink damsel and 3 crabs, so anemone, live rock, coral nada hmmm its all weird

here are the pics of the coral they are hanging around, the one that close up there is a cavity at the bottom partly in the gravel, thats where the deed is done! :twisted:
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