My Florida Flagfish is dying help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 22, 2024

I just picked up a Florida Flagfish from a local fish store, acclimated him, and let him in my tank. I left the light on for about 15 minutes, then turned it off. When I came back around 1 hour later, I found him on his side at the bottom of the aquarium. Thinking he was dead, I proceeded with the normal funeral processions. When I tried to pick him up with the net, he suddenly awoke, and is now on the fish tank floor without moving. Every other fish is healthy. Please help me.

Thank you
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I just picked up a Florida Flagfish from a local fish store, acclimated him, and let him in my tank. I left the light on for about 15 minutes, then turned it off. When I came back around 1 hour later, I found him on his side at the bottom of the aquarium. Thinking he was dead, I proceeded with the normal funeral processions. When I tried to pick him up with the net, he suddenly awoke, and is now on the fish tank floor without moving. Every other fish is healthy. Please help me.

Thank you
What are your water parameters and the parameters they came from at the store? How did you acclimate the fish? What size is the tank and what other fish do you have in with it?
What are your water parameters and the parameters they came from at the store? How did you acclimate the fish? What size is the tank and what other fish do you have in with it?
The water parameters where the same so I just did a temperature acclimation. I have a 20 gallon, with 2 other zebra danios (one is a baby) and 2 fire red cherry shrimp (both babies). They all came from the same fish store.
The water parameters where the same so I just did a temperature acclimation. I have a 20 gallon, with 2 other zebra danios (one is a baby) and 2 fire red cherry shrimp (both babies). They all came from the same fish store.
Also, I suspect something is wrong with his swim bladder because he cannot control his swimming. What do I do?
The fish probably just went into shock by the acclimation style. Because Flagfish are a minnow, they can be fragile until they get adjusted. There's not really anything you can do at this point but wait it out. If this one does not make it and you try again, I've found drip acclimation is the best method for these fish. (y)
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