Aquarium Advice Newbie
I have a small 100 ltr tank with goldfish and I am having trouble with a lot of tiny snails do I get rid of snails without having to do a full tank clean ?
Assassin snails aren't compatible with goldfish. They are tropical water creatures whereas goldfish are temperate water. Goldfish will also eat (or try to eat) an assassin snail.It’s hard to get rid of them once they are in your , as they breed so fast. Therefore I would get an assassin snail, they will eat the pest snails and they don’t breed as fast as pest snails and generally look nicer.
ThankyouWhat else you can do to help control the population is right after the lights go out, place a slice of cucumber or zucchini on the bottom of the tank and every couple of hours you should see snails on it and you can remove them then replace the slice to catch more. If you leave the slice in the tank all day, your goldfish will also eat it so either remove it before the fish get it or be prepared to replace it. Eventually, you will get a more tolerable number of snails.![]()
Assassin snails aren't compatible with goldfish. They are tropical water creatures whereas goldfish are temperate water. Goldfish will also eat (or try to eat) an assassin snail
Ok thankyouAssassin snails aren't compatible with goldfish. They are tropical water creatures whereas goldfish are temperate water. Goldfish will also eat (or try to eat) an assassin snail.
Another way to get snails is if you buy, say, a decoration that is in an existing aquarium at the store. I know that people have asked me for pieces of driftwood or rocks in a display tank so it's very possible they do it at any store. Snail eggs can get anywhere a snail can get to. :^0I don't have any nor do I want any. So how do most people get them in the first place? The reason I ask is because I want a small Q tank for some feeders for my main tank. Can you get them with feeders (comets)? The Q tank will have no substrate.
I don't have any real plants or anything in my tank all I have are like plastic type fish ornaments and my goldfish that's ot so I really don't understand why I'm getting so many ...they just appear and breed like hell ...I remove about 50 to 100 snails every 2 days and have to clean my filter every few days as they seem to cover it puzzles me .Another way to get snails is if you buy, say, a decoration that is in an existing aquarium at the store. I know that people have asked me for pieces of driftwood or rocks in a display tank so it's very possible they do it at any store. Snail eggs can get anywhere a snail can get to. :^0![]()
Yeah, it only takes one and then KABOOOOOOM, you have a thousand.I don't have any real plants or anything in my tank all I have are like plastic type fish ornaments and my goldfish that's ot so I really don't understand why I'm getting so many ...they just appear and breed like hell ...I remove about 50 to 100 snails every 2 days and have to clean my filter every few days as they seem to cover it puzzles me .![]()
I'm trying my best lol they just never end ha ha ...thankyou .Yeah, it only takes one and then KABOOOOOOM, you have a thousand.![]()
The best you can do is keep removing them as you see them. Eventually, you should get them all before they are old enough to reproduce.
Thankyou I will tryTry setting up a couple of veggie strip traps so you catch more at a time.![]()
I started over done a full clean new stones and new filter only 3 things for decor and for fish to play with but still get snails I've even stopped feeding as much ..I have checked temp and alsorts and also my fish just keep breeding ive tried everything to be fair ...I started with 12 fish I now have 25If I were you I would have to start over. If it does happen to me I hope Oscar will show them whose tank it really is. Good luck with yours. I don't know what all your tank has in it but get two plastic totes one for your fish while you are working on the main tank one to clean everything in. You did not mention substrate. I would clean the tank and fiter get the fish back in. then I guess you are looking at a fish in cycle. I will defer to Andy and Aiken if you should use anything from your tank for the cycle I don't know if the eggs can be filtered out of the water. From what Aiken and Andy said about snails and eggs it looks to me the most important thing is being VERY thorough with the cleaning. There is no rush on the decor. I would get new air line and stones if you have them. Good luck sorry this happened to you but it has tought me a lot.