Aquarium Advice Addict
these are just a few pics of my 100 gal. planted tank. Let me know what you think.
In the pic left side the tall plants are cryptocoryne retrospirlis the reddish plants are wendtii red on the driftwood there is java fern then on the big driftwood in the middle down toward the bottom is bolbitis heudevotti the othere plants i can not remember there names but the nice people on here is where i got them,so maybe someone else can tell you there names.
In the pic left side the tall plants are cryptocoryne retrospirlis the reddish plants are wendtii red on the driftwood there is java fern then on the big driftwood in the middle down toward the bottom is bolbitis heudevotti the othere plants i can not remember there names but the nice people on here is where i got them,so maybe someone else can tell you there names.