Aquarium Advice Newbie
I have a 20 gallon heavily planted aquarium with fluval stratum substrate and some driftwood. The plants/fish/cycle is doing great (ammonia and nitrite are 0 and nitrate = 5). I have a trio of guppies, a scarlet badis, and a pair of killifish. The tank has been setup for several months.
The problem is my GH/KH. When I test my tapwater I get:
GH = 50 ppm
KH = 200 ppm
pH = 7.5.
When I test the tank I get:
GH = 25 ppm
KH = 20 ppm
pH = 6.5.
(My test strips aren't the best so these are rough numbers only. Better strips are in the mail).
So the tapwater is drastically harder than the tankwater. Its been like this since setup after several months of weekly 10% water changes. I've tried to keep amano and cherry shrimp but a few die after every water change. I've resorted to very slowly dripping in water after a water change over 6-8 hours so avoid large changes but I'm guessing this isn't ideal? Should I try RO water and remineralize? should I try to find a ratio of RO water and tap water that is more similar to the tank parameters to avoid water change deaths?
I know the low KH in the tank isn't great since KH is important for buffering pH, but I don't know how to fix this without killing all my shrimp. I'm guessing the driftwood + substrate combo is keeping the pH down which keeps the KH down but don't know how to fix it? I welcome any thoughts, opinions, or even corrections to my logic haha! Thank you
The problem is my GH/KH. When I test my tapwater I get:
GH = 50 ppm
KH = 200 ppm
pH = 7.5.
When I test the tank I get:
GH = 25 ppm
KH = 20 ppm
pH = 6.5.
(My test strips aren't the best so these are rough numbers only. Better strips are in the mail).
So the tapwater is drastically harder than the tankwater. Its been like this since setup after several months of weekly 10% water changes. I've tried to keep amano and cherry shrimp but a few die after every water change. I've resorted to very slowly dripping in water after a water change over 6-8 hours so avoid large changes but I'm guessing this isn't ideal? Should I try RO water and remineralize? should I try to find a ratio of RO water and tap water that is more similar to the tank parameters to avoid water change deaths?
I know the low KH in the tank isn't great since KH is important for buffering pH, but I don't know how to fix this without killing all my shrimp. I'm guessing the driftwood + substrate combo is keeping the pH down which keeps the KH down but don't know how to fix it? I welcome any thoughts, opinions, or even corrections to my logic haha! Thank you