Nearly out of the hobby

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 31, 2004
Accokeek, Maryland
It's been on my mind for some time. The ebbs and flows of my tank health, other interests, time, potential house move, lack of family interest, etc, etc.

The largest issue is we're about to consider making an offering on a new home. Unfinished basement. There will be some time to finish it. CANNOT have an established tank whilst doing that.

I'm trying to gauge interest in selling all in my tank contents. I'm thinking about keeping the tank hardware in case I wanna do this again. Likely not with all the new challenges the new house can bring. But just in case, I'd keep the tank hardware until I decide.

In the meantime, I'm thinking everthing in my tank can go. Fish by fish. Rock, coral, and all. Over 200 lbs of rock and various coral. Fish and inverts.

Would prefer to sell to those local, but may have to consider mailing as a last resort.

Any body interested?????
Waiting to hear from the builder on if they accept our offer. If we get the new house, I've found someone wanting to buy all the live stuff in the tank.

Definitely gonna keep all the hardware for a while to see if the bug hits me again.
Sorry to hear that. A new house is a lot of work - and fun - and hopefully you'll be ready to start a tank again someday. In the meantime, we hope you stick around here :)
Accepted our offer!!

I'll stick around as much as I can focus with all the new house stuff coming up.

Found someone to buy the entire tank contents for $800. Steal if you ask me. :) :)

150 to 200 lbs of rock. Fish, inverts, sump stuff and critters, lots of coral. Bittersweet, but I'm insisting he come within the week and move this stuff. I'm likely moving within 2-3 weeks.

Gonna keep all the hardware for a couple years until i finish the basement and then decide. Right now I'd say no.
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