Need Fish Ideas For Reef Tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 21, 2011
Omaha, Nebraska
So im planning my stock list for my 25gallon reef tank and need an idea for one last fish, would like something that is Red with a larger body shape. I LOVE flame angels but have decided I would rather have a reef tank then a FOWLR so I need some ideas.

25 gallons/45lb's of Live Rock

Royal Gramma Bassenet
Yellow Watchman or Midas Blenny
2x Clowns
2x Blood Red Fire Shrimp
Few Dwarf Hermits (not sure how many I need)
Need Ideas for snails that will clean my sand
Star Fish down the road when I have algae for it to feed on.
I want something larger bodyied then that beings the gramma and blenny are kinda long and thin I want something a little bulkier if you know what i mean
Maybe an Azure Damselfish type I like that alot just would Like something Red but am not seeing any options for me.
oh says Semi-aggressive...I just want something thats going to be always swimming and is a cool centerpeice fish.
Well the problem with your request is that there are a lot of fish that fill that request. Also to look at fish there are lots of websites, one is You should look at fish in the cardinal fish, wrasses, damselfish, hawkfish, dottybacks, gobies, and yes there are a few of these fish on the website that i gave.
Well the problem with your request is that there are a lot of fish that fill that request. Also to look at fish there are lots of websites, one is You should look at fish in the cardinal fish, wrasses, damselfish, hawkfish, dottybacks, gobies, and yes there are a few of these fish on the website that i gave.

Im not finding anything thats red that fills my request =/
Damsels are ok when small but in a few months they get very very aggressive and think they own the whole tank. You might find something here you like
So is it being said damsels are to aggressive for my tank? Because everything I read seems to say they would be fine with the fish i want so please explain further....
Give us your wish list.

Azual damselfish

Royal Gramma Bassenet

Yellow Watchman or Midas Blenny

2x Clowns

2x Blood Red Fire Shrimp

Few Dwarf Hermits (not sure how many I need)

Need Ideas for snails that will clean my sand

Star Fish down the road when I have algae for it to feed on.
Looks good but they are all semi aggressive and the damsel is full blown aggressive. It will take over the tank.
Looks good but they are all semi aggressive and the damsel is full blown aggressive. It will take over the tank.

Ok I must be reading about these fish on sites that completly lie because they say every fish other then the damsel is peaceful and the damsel is semi aggressive.
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