Aquarium Advice Newbie
My husband bought me a 26 gallon tank and he also got a 46 gallon tank from a family member with all the fish included, which are chilids, goldfish, tetris, and an big algae eater. We brought the fish home in a cooler in their water and put some of the fish in my 26 gallon tank and we also set up a 10 gallon tank and put most of the goldfish in that. We have been trying to get the 46 gallon tank set up so we can put the fish back into that tank, but we are having problems with the water. My husband actually used some of the water that we transported the fish in and the nitrates are very high and then we removed about half the water and put new water in and the nitrates are still high, tonight he has emptied the tank and we are starting all over with it. Is this the correct thing to do or are we spending to much time over this. The 10 gallon tank is also high in nitrates and he also used some of the old water, should we empty this tank as well and start over? The goldfish seem to be doing okay. The 26 gallon tank is testing okay and that was a new tank with our water. I am also new to this site and welcome any advice.