Aquarium Advice Apprentice
I had a planted tank with different variety of plants (hornwort, red tiger lotus, banana plants, amazon sword, java fern, java moss ...), all were destroyed by brownish algae, now I am left only with Anubias's two variety only. I need to replant my tank quickly (to get back into the cycle).
My tank is 45G, with 3" substrate consisting CaribSea Eco-Complete+Caribsea Flora-Max Sand+Flourite. I do have CO2 injection system.
The Community consists of 2 Angel, 1 Clown loach, 3 Siamese Algae Eaters, 4 Red Wagtail Platys, 2 Dwarf Gourami and 2 White Tip Tetras. Timered Fluval adjustable light. My pH is consistently between 6.8 - 7.5, KH (9dKH) and GH (196 ppm or TDS = 500 - 600 ppm) I know are currently quite high, trying to reduce them with frequent RO water changes (5G/day).
Any suggestion regarding the type of plants and where to buy them from would be highly appreciated.
I had a planted tank with different variety of plants (hornwort, red tiger lotus, banana plants, amazon sword, java fern, java moss ...), all were destroyed by brownish algae, now I am left only with Anubias's two variety only. I need to replant my tank quickly (to get back into the cycle).
My tank is 45G, with 3" substrate consisting CaribSea Eco-Complete+Caribsea Flora-Max Sand+Flourite. I do have CO2 injection system.
The Community consists of 2 Angel, 1 Clown loach, 3 Siamese Algae Eaters, 4 Red Wagtail Platys, 2 Dwarf Gourami and 2 White Tip Tetras. Timered Fluval adjustable light. My pH is consistently between 6.8 - 7.5, KH (9dKH) and GH (196 ppm or TDS = 500 - 600 ppm) I know are currently quite high, trying to reduce them with frequent RO water changes (5G/day).
Any suggestion regarding the type of plants and where to buy them from would be highly appreciated.
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