Need Suggestion for cheap fast growing plants...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 25, 2015
Chapel Hill, NC
I had a planted tank with different variety of plants (hornwort, red tiger lotus, banana plants, amazon sword, java fern, java moss ...), all were destroyed :eek: by brownish algae, now I am left only with Anubias's two variety only. I need to replant my tank quickly (to get back into the cycle).

My tank is 45G, with 3" ;) substrate consisting CaribSea Eco-Complete+Caribsea Flora-Max Sand+Flourite. I do have CO2 injection system.

The Community consists of 2 Angel, 1 Clown loach, 3 Siamese Algae Eaters, 4 Red Wagtail Platys, 2 Dwarf Gourami and 2 White Tip Tetras. Timered Fluval adjustable light. My pH is consistently between 6.8 - 7.5, KH (9dKH) and GH (196 ppm or TDS = 500 - 600 ppm) :banghead: I know are currently quite high, trying to reduce them with frequent RO water changes (5G/day).

Any suggestion regarding the type of plants and where to buy them from would be highly appreciated.

Thanks; :thanks:
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Water sprite. Brown algae is diatom. Not an algae but a animal. It feeds on silicate. Control the silicate and the brown goes away.
Thanks Magnum 350

Thanks Magnum 350, I will cut down on my feed to reduce silicate and also try to acquire from net some water sprite.
In Canister Filter besides three layered mechanical and Biohome, I have now a layer of Purigen (Seachem) and Clearmax (Fluval) to reduce phosphate and nitrate. :dance:
Silicate comes from the water. Example if your water that you use in tank change comes from a well and that water passes through rocks that are high in silicate you will have a high silicate level in that water. Research diatoms and silicate.
Hey Magnum 350, thanks again for the guidance. I did the Homework....... :D
I use RO water, so I think all the phosphate comes from my over feeding and may be from decayed plants. I have cut down my feeding drastically, cleaned up my substrate (vaccuming) and hopefully will loose my diatoms for good.
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Hey Magnum 350, thanks again for the guidance. I did the Homework....... :D
I use RO water, so I think all the phosphate comes from my over feeding and may be from decayed plants. I have cut down my feeding drastically, cleaned up my substrate (vaccuming) and hopefully will loose my diatoms for good.

Do u dose any ferts at all? Flourish and excel? Or dry ferts? Low light in guessing?

30g planted, 90g Oscar tank
Hi Bert2oo1: I do plan to use but because of diatoms I did not, sometimes in the early days did use Flourish Tabs about 2 to 3 total (around the plants) ..........
What kind of lighting are you using?
Once you fill the tank with plants, vacuuming the substrate may become a thing of the past. I have not vacuumed my planted tank in over 3 years.
Depending on the lighting, a water column fertilizer should help. Phosphates are not as bad as one would believe in a FW planted tank. I triple dose my tank with phosphate. Else, I see an outbreak of GSA (green spot algae) on the glass and plants.

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