Needing advice with new aquarium.

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You want some nitrite, as you are trying to cycle the tank and they need some nitrite to grow. I would continue testing every day, and if the nitrite looks to be higher than 0.25ppm, which is the lowest positive test your test can detect, change 50% of the water, and add 2 tablespoons of aquarium salt to keep up the concentration. I think that, with the AquaEssential when it arrives, should be sufficient. Its certainly an improvement though.

No guarantees though, as the fish have been through a lot, but its good they appear to be improving.

As your tank cycles the nitrite levels will naturally zero out.
You want some nitrite, as you are trying to cycle the tank and they need some nitrite to grow. I would continue testing every day, and if the nitrite looks to be higher than 0.25ppm, which is the lowest positive test your test can detect, change 50% of the water, and add 2 tablespoons of aquarium salt to keep up the concentration. I think that, with the AquaEssential when it arrives, should be sufficient. Its certainly an improvement though.

No guarantees though, as the fish have been through a lot, but its good they appear to be improving.

As your tank cycles the nitrite levels will naturally zero out.
Ok thank you.
Hi there, just after Christmas this year we bought a 40 litre tank with a view to buying temperate fish for our grandson. We set up the tank as per instructions giving it 5to 6 days to cycle before adding fish.
We bought 3 black widow tetras, one gourami and a rainbow shark and put them in tank. Things went well for about two weeks then we lost a black widow. After reading up that black widows should be in groups of 6 or more we bought another two. Things have been going good , we’ve been testing water , doing water changes when necessary and not over feeding.
About two weeks ago we introduced two ghost shrimp but they unfortunately died. When testing the water we’ve noticed a spike in nitrites and one time in ammonia so we did a partial water change and cleaned gravel. Unfortunately over the last two days two more black widows have died and also the black shark . They were twitching a lot before they died and just before the shark died he seemed to have a fit. Pleas can someone tell us where we’re going wrong as my grandson loves the fish.
Hi, I have been reading about your problem, I did not see, anything about plants in your tank, these will help to oxygenate the water, and help reduce the nitrates. I get all my fish etc from Maidenhead Aquatic, I have found they give good advice and I have not had any problems with them, also there tank layout in the shop, separate cold, temperate and tropical so you should not get mixed up with the fish.
Good luck
Hi, I have been reading about your problem, I did not see, anything about plants in your tank, these will help to oxygenate the water, and help reduce the nitrates. I get all my fish etc from Maidenhead Aquatic, I have found they give good advice and I have not had any problems with them, also there tank layout in the shop, separate cold, temperate and tropical so you should not get mixed up with the fish.
Good luck
Thank you . I’ve got one live plant and two artificial plants but today I’m going for another live plant.
Hi there, while I’m monitoring parameters in tank over next couple of weeks ,should I be doing any water changes?
If the nitrite creeps up above 0.25ppm change half the water. If you go a week without needing to do a water change because of nitrite, then change half the water.

Getting into a habit of changing half the water every week whether you think it needs it or not, is a good habit to get into.

Lets see where we are in a week's time with the nitrite levels.
If the nitrite creeps up above 0.25ppm change half the water. If you go a week without needing to do a water change because of nitrite, then change half the water.

Getting into a habit of changing half the water every week whether you think it needs it or not, is a good habit to get into.

Lets see where we are in a week's time with the nitrite levels.
Thank you.
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