Aquarium Advice Newbie
Wondering if anyone has seen this before? I am at a loss. I have had about 3 die offs in my brackish tank where my archer fishes, monos, and knight gobies have all died except 1 mono and one goby. The tank has been established for 3 years. This goby, I put into a quarantine tank and was the only one who had any visible lesions. 3 months ago he had one spot on one of his fins and then 1 month later it was on a couple fins and a white fuzzy spot on his side. The whole tank went through a triple treatment with maracyn oxy paracleanse and ich x and then another round of maracyn and ich X. The main tank seemed okay until I just had the third die off (now left with 1 mono and goby) with no fish displaying any lesions. The goby in quarantine is getting significantly worse although it is eating okay now. I have done a couple more treatments with ich X and the last a treatment with kanaplex and nitrofuracin green. I was thinking it was the brakish version of columnaris. I have finally been able to get a clear picture, so I would love any info someone might have for me. Even my local fish store is at a loss and has offered to humanely euthanize if and when I am ready for that (they know i would have a hard time doing that myself). At this point I am thinking of bombing the tank with bleach and reseting the whole tank.
Throughout this, I have lowered my temp to 72. And parameters are: salinity 1.005, pH 7.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate 0. Main tank is the same except nitrates 0-5
Throughout this, I have lowered my temp to 72. And parameters are: salinity 1.005, pH 7.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate 0. Main tank is the same except nitrates 0-5