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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 30, 2012
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Hello all, I have been an official member of this site for almost one month now. While I am not a newbie to the hobby, initially I came across this site while looking for information on re-starting my 55 gallon tank after 3 years of it being shut down. I am still learning how to maneuver around this site:brows: So far this site has reminded me of all the important tasks that are required in maintaining a healthy and happy fish home/environment. This go round I want to possibly get a smaller tank and try keeping live plants for awhile to see if I have a green thumb:brows: if so, I will plant live plants in my 55g. My local fish store is currently having the $1 per gallon sale (10-55) so I purchased (2weeks ago) a 40b (36Lx18Wx16H)and slowly building it. I have ran into some issues such as: can't find hood, light, etc... therefore I have bought glass and cut it myself to make as my top and since my cut was not perfect, I put a plastic trimming around the glass edges:whistle:. I am still in an ahhh :confused: mode because I need to get a reasonable stand so I can begin decorating and cycling. Well, this tank I want as a African Cichlid tank, as I already have an Electric yellow lab in my 55 that also houses 6 TB, 1 RTS, and 3 Gouramis. My E.Y.L. will be moved immediately once I can get the 40b off the ground :ermm:...Originally I had gravel in my 55 until I learned on here that pool filter sand could be used (and reasonable(y)). I recently switched the gravel out and put in sand (I love that transition, it is tanish brown). :cool:. I have 14 more gallons to play with stocking (about 18 gallons once eyl is removed); however, I want something that will play a little in the sand but not too much disturbance (not fond of snails much, its the reproduction I don't care for). Is there away you can house a snail without it reproducing? Okay, I also want to mention how I am doing in my fish-in cycle....I began August 28th and things have been going okay....however 9-16-12 my ammonia spiked to 1.0 so I did a 50% water change which lowered it to .5, then yesterday it was back up to 1.0 so I did a 25% water change which it did NOT lower (guess i didn't do enough), and today it is 1.0 I have test my tap water which is 1.0 from the beginning, so what am I to do about this? Now LFS said you never can get ammonia to 0 :confused:...but I have read that ammonia should be 0...currently my ph is 7.4, nitrite 0, and nitrate is a lost any help/suggestions will be gladly appreciated.....
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