New 4ft Tropical tank what to put in it?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 10, 2024
Just bought a 4 ft tank, what sort of community tank could I do? There is only one thing is our beloved angel fish (aptly named ‘angelfish’) will be moving into the tank so any other fish have to fit round him as he is on his own but more than happy being king of the tank. So that will
Rule out barbs so just wondered what others would put in with our king!
Here's a better idea as there are so many possibilities, take a trip to your local fish shop and see what they have available that peaks your interest then give us that list and we can rule things in or out. (y)
I really want a big fish for my 4 ft tank. They say it gets big. But i'm 77 and i doubt a little fish will out grow the tank before i out grow life. Should I get one?
I really want a big fish for my 4 ft tank. They say it gets big. But i'm 77 and i doubt a little fish will out grow the tank before i out grow life. Should I get one?
Well, do you have a plan if you expire before the fish does?
What are the other dimensions of the tank ( width & height)? A 4' tank could be a 40 long, 55 or 75, 240 or even 310 gallons all depending on the other dimensions. ;)
My daughter is living here when i pass. She likes fish. She can handle it. Its ia a regular 55 gal 48" ablong. Should i get nice fish?
Just bought a 4 ft tank, what sort of community tank could I do? There is only one thing is our beloved angel fish (aptly named ‘angelfish’) will be moving into the tank so any other fish have to fit round him as he is on his own but more than happy being king of the tank. So that will
Rule out barbs so just wondered what others would put in with our king!
Maybe add a rope fish or two? If your tank is around 50 gallons or so they would be a good choice. Bristlenose plecos are great too.
My daughter is living here when i pass. She likes fish. She can handle it. Its ia a regular 55 gal 48" ablong. Should i get nice fish?
Silly me, I just noticed this is actually someone else's thread. You really should start your own thread about this. ;) The short answer is why not consult your Daughter as to what fish she likes and that you like as well and go for those if they will fit. (y)
That is what I like about you Andy always the diplomat.
I should have been in the diplomatic corp. ;) ;) :lol: It just makes more sense to me. Why get a pet that may outlive me that the next person doesn't want? :unsure: That came from having a customer who inherited a parrot from her Mother who inherited the bird from HER Mother ( the customer's Grandmother.) My customer was not happy with the responsibility of the bird but kept it for sentimental reasons.
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