Aquarium Advice Apprentice
I have a new Condylactis Anemone. When I saw it at the store it was stationary and was not moving alot. But ever since I put it in my tank it has been moving like crazy. Is this normal? Is the anemone just getting comfortable? I did feed it this morning and it did take the food.
two more things. The anemone is not laying on it's back side (sit up). Will it do that on it's own when he's ready or do I need to move him like that. Also I have 2 tomato clown fish and they wont go near it. How long does it take before they get comfortable with it, (normally)?
Thank you
two more things. The anemone is not laying on it's back side (sit up). Will it do that on it's own when he's ready or do I need to move him like that. Also I have 2 tomato clown fish and they wont go near it. How long does it take before they get comfortable with it, (normally)?
Thank you