New lawnmower blennie and flame angel

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 28, 2008
I know these pics aren't the greatest, but these are two hard fish to photo!


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They look great. I love how the blenny blends right in with the rock, is that shot from the top down? We got a flame a couple of weeks back (The bosses favorite) and boy they are gorgeous fish.
Shot of the Blennie is from straight on, and yes he blends in quite well!
I love lawnmower blennies. They blend in so well and are a SW oddball. One of my favorite kinds. Great fish.
This might be stupid question but why is it called a lawn mower blenny?
Yeah, there are all kinds of little circles on my glass where he had taken a bite.
They look very nice. Is your blenny eating any prepared foods? If not start working on that now.
WOW that angel is beautiful man! I have a Lemon peel myself, I was thinking of getting a Flame but once I saw the Lemon I picked him out of the two.

Congrats on getting both
Thats a good blenny has taken up blood worms as an additional food source... it refuses to eat mysis shrimps though. Keep an eye on its stomach, If its not always full, then it is probably not getting enough algae.

I have some algae waffers that I feed to my pleco, and the blenny has no problems scraping it off the pellets.
Nice looking blenny. Now that I know it eats algae like a lawnmower I have to get one.
I have not been able to get him to eat prepared foods, but I keep trying my best. He seems to be getting enough algae though, I see him scraping the glass most of the time.
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