Hello all, I am new to AquariumAdvice.com. I have a new system / old system that is setup. Here is what i had:
29 gallon eclipse 3 tank w/ hood
1 anemone (bubble tip)
4 Clown Fish
1 Yellow tang
numerous small hermit crabs
1 banded coral shrimp
1 sand sifting starfish
10lbs of live rock
I inherited this setup from a friend that was moving out of state, about a month after i got it i got rid of the eclipse 3 hood and replaced it with a powerhead, added 20lbs of additional live rock, and got a nova extreme t5 lights (100w).
I started having nitrate issues even with ongoing water changes (weekly). So I made a coil denitrator, but didn't have a good enough powerhead on hand to pump it into the system (i drained it and put it up for another day).
I was told "the solution to pollution is dillution". I looked on craigslist and after a while I found a free tank unknown gallons curbside. So i checked it out It came with a stand and its messurments are 29"H X 24"W X 14"L (HEXAGON). Tested it and it had no leaks.. I moved all my rock and fish over to this tank, the only things added where more snails, peppermint shrimp, another bubble tip anenome (wife wanted it), cleaner shrimp, and sandsifting gobbie (plus more snails and hermies). I also added another 30lbs of live rock (60-65lbs total). I added a FLUVAL canister filter (w/ rowa as media). Here is what i currently have in my tank as far as equipment:
Fluval canister
power head
biocube protien skimmer (modified 6 inch tube to 14 inch tube)
24w UV sterilizer
150w heater
nova extreme lights t5 2acentic /2day /2 led moon
Anyways that was a confusing background, onto the questions.
1.) I am not seeing a large bloom of coraline algea like i noticed before in my small tank. How do i get the algea to bloom other than dosing with purple up?
2.) Nitrates linger around 5/10ppm, should i break out my denitrator that i built and start getting it cycled or use a sulfer denitrator?
3.) I get "powder" type algea on the glass everyday, the tank is in a dark room, phosphates are at 0ppm (Running ROWA in canister). My blue acentic lights come on around 7:30am and run until 7:30 pm, my day lights come on around 8:30am and run until 6:30pm. And the leds come on from 7:30pm until 11pm and from 5am to 7:30am. Too much light?
Thanks for all your help!
29 gallon eclipse 3 tank w/ hood
1 anemone (bubble tip)
4 Clown Fish
1 Yellow tang
numerous small hermit crabs
1 banded coral shrimp
1 sand sifting starfish
10lbs of live rock
I inherited this setup from a friend that was moving out of state, about a month after i got it i got rid of the eclipse 3 hood and replaced it with a powerhead, added 20lbs of additional live rock, and got a nova extreme t5 lights (100w).
I started having nitrate issues even with ongoing water changes (weekly). So I made a coil denitrator, but didn't have a good enough powerhead on hand to pump it into the system (i drained it and put it up for another day).
I was told "the solution to pollution is dillution". I looked on craigslist and after a while I found a free tank unknown gallons curbside. So i checked it out It came with a stand and its messurments are 29"H X 24"W X 14"L (HEXAGON). Tested it and it had no leaks.. I moved all my rock and fish over to this tank, the only things added where more snails, peppermint shrimp, another bubble tip anenome (wife wanted it), cleaner shrimp, and sandsifting gobbie (plus more snails and hermies). I also added another 30lbs of live rock (60-65lbs total). I added a FLUVAL canister filter (w/ rowa as media). Here is what i currently have in my tank as far as equipment:
Fluval canister
power head
biocube protien skimmer (modified 6 inch tube to 14 inch tube)
24w UV sterilizer
150w heater
nova extreme lights t5 2acentic /2day /2 led moon
Anyways that was a confusing background, onto the questions.
1.) I am not seeing a large bloom of coraline algea like i noticed before in my small tank. How do i get the algea to bloom other than dosing with purple up?
2.) Nitrates linger around 5/10ppm, should i break out my denitrator that i built and start getting it cycled or use a sulfer denitrator?
3.) I get "powder" type algea on the glass everyday, the tank is in a dark room, phosphates are at 0ppm (Running ROWA in canister). My blue acentic lights come on around 7:30am and run until 7:30 pm, my day lights come on around 8:30am and run until 6:30pm. And the leds come on from 7:30pm until 11pm and from 5am to 7:30am. Too much light?
Thanks for all your help!