New otocinclus!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 29, 2004
Finally found some otocinclus! Couldn't pass up on them. They were 3$ Each, I bought 3. They're doing great so far, and I hope they make it. They've been in qt for 2 weeks at the lfs, so should be okey. I'll try to post pics later!!! :D
I have been trying to get more otos from my lfs, but they seem to sell out as soon as the shipment comes in. My lady is getting lonely. :(
Ok, here are some pics, they are hard to photograph!!! So sorry for the bad quality. :?


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I like these fishies so much that I went back to the lfs and bought 2 more! So now I have 5 :D
Next week I'm redoing my two tanks. I'm returning all of my fish to the lfs, I don't need any store credit for them, and I called and they told me that they will take them back. I'm keeping my 2 keyhole cichlids and my 5 otos, and maybe 1 albino bristlenose pleco and the female betta. Then I have space to breed my keyhole cichlids properly. I do feel a wee bit stupid for buying an angelfish a month ago...returning him as well. Ah well, I'm an impulsive buyer, but the otos are staying :)
Thanks Meredith! :D

I hope you find some more soon! :wink: They're great little fish.
Soon I'll have a whole 18.5gallon for them to live in :D Specie tank!
And I'll also be using that tank to raise some keyhole cichlid fry, once they are big enough to be safe without mom and dad. :wink:
two otos annihilated the brown algae in my 20 in 5 days (i <3 otos) but now i'm starting to see green algae :|
Otos are great for keeping the glass algae free and especially plant leaves. They are just one part of my cleanup crew however. I also have a bristlenose pleco in one tank as well as SAEs in a couple of others. I move the SAEs from tank to tank depending on where they are needed most. I have ramshorn and Malayan trumpet snails in a few tanks as well. All do a great job.
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