Aquarium Advice Activist
Just got a new royal gramma from liveaquaria today. Before even putting it into my QT tank(during the acclimation period), it was on its side in the bag. I continued to scoop it up and add it to the QT tank with the other two clowns I got. It kinda swam upside down and sideways around the tank and picked a spot under the sponge filter and hung out upside down. The lights were off the whole time too to put less stress on it. This was around 6 or 8 hours ago. I just looked at it again and it is in the corner of the tank, right side up now, breathing very slowly but still alive. Do you think it just underwent extreme shock/stress during the trip here or it is something more. The two clowns (3/4" long each), are in the same tank and look great swimming all about, my water params are great too.
Any ideas besides just keeping an eye on it?
Any ideas besides just keeping an eye on it?