So the ammonia alert is measuring free ammonia, which is different to most ammonia tests which measure total ammonia nitrogen (TAN). Its important to know the difference between free ammonia and TAN.
While 0.05ppm might not sound a lot when compared to tests for TAN, it's actually a huge amount for free ammonia. 0.025ppm is the toxic level for free ammonia and you are double that. Your alert patch should be giving you a warning for that level of free ammonia.
You need to urgently do water changes to bring that free ammonia down to the safe level. That amount of free ammonia is killing your fish.
Do not add any more fish.
Get a traditional test kit that tests for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Do not add any more fish until your testing with your test kit consistently shows zero ammonia and nitrite.
Given you don't have a test kit, you have let water quality get to such a highly toxic state, and are significantly overstocked for an uncycled aquarium, I have to question if you know how to cycle an aquarium.
What precisely are you doing to cycle the aquarium? Tell me your process.