New tank.. but want to move drain box

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hairless ape

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 19, 2004
OK so I bought a brand new 55 gallon tank and I am anxious to get started on cycling it... but it has one small ( or big) problem.. the drain box is in the left corner.. I would prefer to have it in the middle. I am wondering if it is possible.. or wise.. to move it. it runs the full height of the tank and so there are 2 holes cut in the glass at the bottom of the tank for the drain plumbing and return plumbing.. (all runs down into the stand where the sump is hidden ).. now figuring I would cut the same size holes in the center of the tank I would automatically have 2 round pieces of glass I could put in the existing holes.. if I cement the crap out of those then I put 2 pieces of square glass over and under where the holes were and cement the crap out of those all around and everywhere leaks might be possible then I rebuild the box in the center of the tank.
Is this a wise thing to do .. has anyone done this?.. or should I just live with the tank where the box is now? Any advice or experience anyone can offer with similar situations would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to make a huge mistake by doing this only to find out I never should have done it.
Thank you.
Well... Hmm...

First, check around with some manufacturers and see if you can get a tank the way you want it first, before you go tearing into a brand new one.

As for moving the box, yes you can drill 2 more holes in the center where you want them. I imagine there's probably a way to move the overflow as well, but make sure it's the right shape to fit in the center. If its a corner overflow, it probably won't work. If its flat, just on the side, then probably ok.

Now, as for plugging those holes. Using the cutout glass from the new holes isn't going to work, because you'll never get them the right size. Undoubtedly, though, there's a way to plug them, I just don't know what it is.
Just keep in mind you will not be able to drill the bottom for new holes. Usually on tanks that are drilled on the bottom, the holes are first drilled, then the glass is tempered.
Definitely check to trade in the new tank for another on with the desired setup.

Most modern tanks have tempered bottom & will shatter if drilled. If the sides are not tempered, it might be possible to drill holes at the side glass to get your center overflow .... but that is a job for a pro.

You cannot simply plug existing holes as you suggested. you either have to put in bulkheads on all the holes & then plug the bulkheads <or have stand pipes above your water line>, or you sandwich the bottom with a large piece of glass. <This is also best left to a pro.>
Thanks to all

Thanks to everyone for offering their insight.. mostly it is has served to convince me that having the overflow where it is isn't so bad.. I am unable to return/exchange the tank as I got it at a going out of business sale... I don't believe the bottom is tempered.. however I realized especially after seeing ccCapt's pix that it is a risk I just don't want to take.. so my cheap and safe fix has been to get a piece of black plexi cut and insert it on the side of the tank that I can see into the overflow box thus hiding all the plumbing and hopefully helping me to forget the overflow box isn't where I would like it ideally. The big picture is.. I'm sure that when I get the tank set up and get some live rock in it I won't even notice the overflow box. right now I am looking at an empty tank and it is all I can focus on.

ccCapt. I have to say I am more than impressed with your project. you truly must have webbed feet and fingers to have built that from the ground up. It is far and beyond anything I could even aspire to. You have completely humbled and inspired me to tackle my new tank.

Thanks everyone.
Don;t sweat it... Everything should be PURPLE before you know it anyway.. From what I hear, Coraline Algae LOVES Plumbing!
ccCapt. I have to say I am more than impressed with your project. you truly must have webbed feet and fingers to have built that from the ground up. It is far and beyond anything I could even aspire to. You have completely humbled and inspired me to tackle my new tank.

Thanks everyone.
Thanks for the kind words. :) secret X-Men powers aren't a secret anymore. :clown:
Good luck with your project. (y)
Sorry for the delay but work sometimes gets in the way, here are the pics


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