Harry Gross
Aquarium Advice Regular
Hi Guys !!
Theres been alot of progress in the area of my 100gal-salty.
First and foremost we just bought a digital camera so from now on any Q's I may have which require a visual example.>>...we-can-do.
Secondly we went to our LFS yesturday....and after a great deal of what I call "hitch hike reading".(forums..gallerys..etc)..and some indiviual input from Mr.M we bought a cleaning/maintainence crew consisting of 5-astrea snails.......5-hermit crabs...one crowned(spotted)goby.....also we purchased 3 damsels.Add that count to our 2 clowns and 2 Chromis and volla' Here's Harrys progress thus far. In the photos section here at A/A I've recently posted my first photo.As time goes on...(and my wife finds the time to assist me)(snik) I'll add some more photo's and create a better profile site for my self like some of you have.
For now....I'm having alot of fun with this project Thankx to A/A and all of you good folks' assistance !!!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!
Theres been alot of progress in the area of my 100gal-salty.
First and foremost we just bought a digital camera so from now on any Q's I may have which require a visual example.>>...we-can-do.
Secondly we went to our LFS yesturday....and after a great deal of what I call "hitch hike reading".(forums..gallerys..etc)..and some indiviual input from Mr.M we bought a cleaning/maintainence crew consisting of 5-astrea snails.......5-hermit crabs...one crowned(spotted)goby.....also we purchased 3 damsels.Add that count to our 2 clowns and 2 Chromis and volla' Here's Harrys progress thus far. In the photos section here at A/A I've recently posted my first photo.As time goes on...(and my wife finds the time to assist me)(snik) I'll add some more photo's and create a better profile site for my self like some of you have.
For now....I'm having alot of fun with this project Thankx to A/A and all of you good folks' assistance !!!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!