Aquarium Advice Newbie
Hey there,
I recently purchased a 29 gallon aquarium and have cycled it successfully with fish. Currently I have gouramis, tiger barbs, and a pictus catfish. Today I purchased 2 albino paradise gouramis. I got them adjusted to my water conditions and when I released them into my tank they seemed frightened of the other fish. Now they are currently hiding and I don't even see them. The other fish were nipping at them, but they started to hide and act like they were dead. However when the other fish went to check them out the darted away to hide again.. Is this normal?? Or should I have not put these fish into my tank??
Thanks for your help......
I recently purchased a 29 gallon aquarium and have cycled it successfully with fish. Currently I have gouramis, tiger barbs, and a pictus catfish. Today I purchased 2 albino paradise gouramis. I got them adjusted to my water conditions and when I released them into my tank they seemed frightened of the other fish. Now they are currently hiding and I don't even see them. The other fish were nipping at them, but they started to hide and act like they were dead. However when the other fish went to check them out the darted away to hide again.. Is this normal?? Or should I have not put these fish into my tank??
Thanks for your help......