Aquarium Advice Newbie
Hello I just converted my 60 gal Axolotl thank for a community fish thank. I changed the sand substrate to gravel. The filter is an Eheim 2217 and I have an Eheim 3604 100W water heater that I set to keep my water to 78°F. Right now I have 2 small angelfish (I think 1 female and 1 male), 4 rummyred, 1 albino cory, 2 ancistrus (I think Bristlenose plecs, 1 greenish and 1 gold). And I was just wondering how much fish and how much different species I can put in the thank. I would realy like To have some glo tetras but not only that. And also, should I have more of the ones I have ? I read that it would be good To bring another Cory To the only one I have. And just to know I real real like banjo catfish is that a fish that i could eventualy add To my community ?
P.S sorry for my english since it's not my usual langage and that my keyboard is french autocorrected .
P.S sorry for my english since it's not my usual langage and that my keyboard is french autocorrected .