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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 29, 2020
Québec, Canada
Hello I just converted my 60 gal Axolotl thank for a community fish thank. I changed the sand substrate to gravel. The filter is an Eheim 2217 and I have an Eheim 3604 100W water heater that I set to keep my water to 78°F. Right now I have 2 small angelfish (I think 1 female and 1 male), 4 rummyred, 1 albino cory, 2 ancistrus (I think Bristlenose plecs, 1 greenish and 1 gold). And I was just wondering how much fish and how much different species I can put in the thank. I would realy like To have some glo tetras but not only that. And also, should I have more of the ones I have ? I read that it would be good To bring another Cory To the only one I have. And just to know I real real like banjo catfish is that a fish that i could eventualy add To my community ?

P.S sorry for my english since it's not my usual langage and that my keyboard is french autocorrected ;).
I think banjo catfish get pretty big. They also hide a lot. I would add more corydoras, they need to be I a school of 6. Or rehome the one you have and then get the banjo catfish. Either way you don't want to fill up your tank with too many bottom dwelling fish.
The rummyreds, ate you talking about rummynose tetras? If so they also like to be in schools of at least 6, the more the better.
Alright thank you ! Yes I meant rummynose sorry lol. And good for the banjo, maybe if I consider having a second thank, but not for now. And for sure i'll get more corys.
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