New to forum ich-garlic question

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 31, 2011
Hello everyone!
I am new to this forum. I have a 55 gallon tank with two filters. I have 9 juvenile cichlids. One peacock??, one kenyi, two yellow labs, two red zebras, one jewel, and two demasoni. I am currently battling ich in my tank. I am using the high temp and salt method. In researching ich, I ran across some infomation that said garlic helps with parasites. Has anyone heard of this? I found a product called seachem garlic that you soak the food in, but was wondering if I could give them fresh garlic? Any information would be greatly appreciated. I have not had my fish long, but already have become very attached to them. :fish2:
I'm not sure, but i'm curious to find out! If you do research can you keep me informed on if you find out if you can?
I'm battling ich myself here doing the heat and salt as well. I'm curious to hear more about this garlic treatment too. I'm going to tag along.. :)
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