Aquarium Advice Newbie
I wanted to introduce myself since im new to this forum before I bombard yall with questions which can be annoying especially from noobs. Im bought to acquire this 125gallon saltwater tank off craigslist for a great deal 100 less than what is offered.
Here is the ad 125galFishTank. Let me know what yall think bout the aquarium. This is my first saltwater aquarium to own. But im not new to the aquarium hobby. I have 2 freshwater cichlid tanks a 29gal assorted cichlid and 55 gal malawi tank. The tanks are awesome but I decided its time to move to the move up my game to salt water. I just had some questions about tank maintence?
1. Is there anything I should check before purchasing this tank? it seems like it comes with everything you need to set-up so thats a plus.
2. After the intial set-up of the tank, how much do you estimate the maintaining a saltwater such as electricity, food, salt, ect.? My dad claims that saltwater tanks will eat away your funds for maintence. I figured most expensive items would be salt or electricity.
Any other tips would be appreciated.
1. Is there anything I should check before purchasing this tank? it seems like it comes with everything you need to set-up so thats a plus.
2. After the intial set-up of the tank, how much do you estimate the maintaining a saltwater such as electricity, food, salt, ect.? My dad claims that saltwater tanks will eat away your funds for maintence. I figured most expensive items would be salt or electricity.
Any other tips would be appreciated.