Bill the fish
Aquarium Advice Newbie
Hi retired now, worked IT for Lockheed Martin. I had tropical fish from the age of about 7 ( 1963 ) till about 14. In Jr HS I worked at 1 of the 2 last and original tropical fish stores back then that are still in existence. At one time there were 15+ in my area. Back when they would sell you any fish and not tell you how big they would get, like Plecos. I remember when I was working at the tropical fish store there were several moratoriums on different fish. One was red tailed sharks. At that time they were being caught in the wild in Tyland and were becoming scarce, also wis the tr-colored shark or as they are sold today the Bala Shark. all now are bred in captivity by using hormones. So I took up Tropical fish again for something to do. Some fish have gone through several name changes like the Juli catfish, which originally the Brazilian catfish, then a Flag catfish and now the Juli cat. There was a department store called Korvettes that had a phenomenal pet shop, they had all kinds of reptiles , monkeys and fish, I bought a Greek Tortoise for $2.25 they had Manta Mantas for $30. Monkeys were around $15. The fish were from the legendary Ross Sokoloff fish farms. They had these Platties I have never seen anywhere since then, salt and pepper and sunset. Pumps and heaters have really changed for the good as well as lighting.