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Well, I got my first coral. The guy needed to get rid of it at the LFS cuz they are closing and moving an hour away. Here it is 10 minutes after adding it.
Well, earlier I just put the coral in to get him in. Now he is where I want him. If you think there is a problem please tell me where to move him and I will try to get him there.
IMO, you should place it on the substrate, and the gradually move it closer to the light. It is quite possible that where you have it is more intense than where it came from. You really don't want to bleach it due to photoshock. Also keep in mind, these corals grow very large, it may not have enough room where it is, vertical growth as well as horizontal.
I "hid" it. I put it into this one little nook under my overflow. It is receiving a little flow. I love your toadstool Salt! It is like the main point in your tank. I also like the pipe organ.
looks good dustin. i picked up 2 sarcophyton leathers at the meeting i went to, their polyps are pretty long though. Also, on the topic of clowns hosting, my juv. osscelaris hosts my damn AC filter intake lol.
Ok, well it fell AGAIN. I moved it up in the same nook it was at in the previous post, and well, it has never been better!! I have never seen it showing off so much! I think it is liking where it is and now that it is settled I hope I can start to get some major growth!
Ok, well it fell AGAIN. I moved it up in the same nook it was at in the previous post, and well, it has never been better!! I have never seen it showing off so much! I think it is liking where it is and now that it is settled I hope I can start to get some major growth!