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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 29, 2010
I had mystery snail it died in my freshwater 55 gallon tank. Anyone know why? I do have quite the variety of community fish, help. Also had a pleco, also need help!
welcome to aquarium advice. Do you have any more info? Tank parameters? How long you had it?
Welcome to AA! :)

You're likely to receive more replies if you post in the FW section with some basic info about your tank... size, time set up, livestock, filter, etc.
More Info

I have 55 gallon tank. With Danios, barbs-2-,platys, tetras, might be a couple of others can't think, at work. Oh yeah, and 6" bass! hahah! I fed the pleco wafers it ate algae and it was about 4" long. It was fine for a few weeks then died. Snail couple wks. I think. No extra food just algae on glass and fake plants- does this help.
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