Aquarium Advice Activist
I am new to this hobby! I have a 48 G. planted aquarium with 9 mollies and 6 tetras. My nitrate level is 80 ppm. I heard 20 and under is the target. Trouble is my tap water to start is 40 ppm. Even with a 50% WC, ppm level would hit 60ppm and another would get me to 50 ppm, hardly not near the recommended 20 ppm. I feed the fish once per day with a consumption time of 2 minutes.
1. Can some kind soul recommend a solution as to what I can do?
2. What nitrate (ppm) level is the danger zone for my fish?
3. Does using a dechlorination solution help any?
1. Can some kind soul recommend a solution as to what I can do?
2. What nitrate (ppm) level is the danger zone for my fish?
3. Does using a dechlorination solution help any?