noob here in Texas with 29gl African Cichlid Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 28, 2010
Hi everybody, my name is Brad and im new to the world of cichlids... just wanted to say hi, introduce myself and maybe find the "correct" answers to all the questions i come up with... There is so much information on the internet but it is all contradictory....

What i have is a 29 gl tank that contains several young cichlids, approx size is 1.5-2inches... they include a Red Zebra, Electric Blue Zebra, Yellow Lab, Aratus, a Kenyi and the big boy in the tank is a Blood Parrot that is about 4in big....

Yes i am getting a bigger tank (75gl) once the cichlids mature and after i gt more comfortable understanding cichlids and thier behavior..
In the tank i also have one rainbow shark and an African Knife fish

just wanted to say Hi and see you around the boards
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