Ok guys what do I need??

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 27, 2008
Ok guys what do I need?

I have a 29g reef ready that has an over flow in the back with the heater, bio balls and skimmer compartments the front part is only 8" wide and 30" long but for my first salt tank and $75 not bad. I would like to do LR with a couple of fish and soft coral so what kind of lights, test kit, salt, ect. do I need to get? I have had fresh water for 15 years and I read alot on here about salt but ever case is different. I do all my shopping with Foster and Smith beause its cheper and my LFS suck. So it would be helpful if what you suggest I could get from them.

Thanks Ted
What kind of corals would you like to get? this will help determine what kind of lights you need.
If your only looking to do soft coral, any PC fixture that fits the tank would work.
This is 24" long and 5 1/2" wide and would probably fit
Compact Fluorescent Aquarium Lighting: Coralife Aqualight Single Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights
or a little better, but might be too wide for your tank
Aquarium Lighting: Coralife Lunar Aqualights Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights

You can use any salt you want.
If your just starting the tank, you should test for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. Once the tank is cycled and running, you can test nitrate and occasionally test pH. If you start getting into hard stoney coral, you would also need to test for calcium, alkalinity and magnesium.
Thanks guys

love the 2nd light cccapt I was looking at that myself, has anyone bought LR or coral from Foster and smith if so what did you think of it, and what is a good basic test kit. One more thing with mt tank being 8"wide and 30" long how much LR do you think I will need?

Thanks again guys all of this really helps:D
i bought 24 lbs of fiji branch rock from Foster and smith. I am very pleased with the rock. It came with rubble which i used in my filter.

Get a api saltwater master kit.
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