Ordering fish online to Canada?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 31, 2005
Hey, I live in Ottawa Canada and don't have the greatest selection of fish availabe to me... Just wondering if you guys know of any sites that ship fish to Canada?

Lots do, but it is crazy expensive, especially if you plan on buying less than $500 of fish at a time. Have you considered one of the many Canadian shops that ships within Canada? What sort of fish are you looking for?
I was looking into getting plants shipped up from the US, not worth the paperwork, you need 2 permits, they need to inspect the plants, you end up with a bag of mulch.. I assume there are similar permits required for live fish.

I don't know if there are any places in Canada that ship live freshwater fish, tho there are a couple for saltwater.
Toirtis said:
Lots do, but it is crazy expensive, especially if you plan on buying less than $500 of fish at a time. Have you considered one of the many Canadian shops that ships within Canada? What sort of fish are you looking for?

I didn't know that there were canadian stores offering online service. Can you point me to a few?
Timster said:
Zagz said:
LOL I did post one for you.
ya thanks for the link. Unfortunatly that store only offer cichlids.

You need to look at the miscellaneous link....and even that is really far from complete....I was just in that shop a couple of hours ago (literally), and I can tell you that they have all sorts of barbs, livebearers, catfish, tetras, goldfish, oddball fish, bettas, killifish, etc.

Again, let me know what sorts of fish you are looking for, and I can help you find them.
oh thanks guys I didnt see that there was 3 pages there.

Any more sites? Just for curiousity sake. More specifically Im looking for a dwarf freshwater puffer. My LFS used to have them but don't carry them anymore.

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